Cool New Ways! With Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition Can Actually "Flip The City"

The newly released Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition draws on the color inspiration of the Impressionist master Monet's classic paintings, using the flagship nano-sputtering process to create a unique mirror-graded back cover.

We can use the characteristics of its mirror imaging to do a variety of interesting gameplay. One of the operations to introduce today is “Flip the City.” Let’s take a look at how it works. 

City Reflection

Put a blue Xiaomi 8 youth version of the frame close to the lens of the phone, look for the angle so that the mirror on the back of the phone just reflects the picture being shot.

Then the lens is aimed at the object you want to shoot, and the 2X zoom is turned on, and the shutter is pressed, so that a "urban reflection" photo is formed.

Twilight City

The Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition's Twilight Gold features a bright, warm pink gold combination, take it in your hand as if holding the twilight moment. The "Twilight City" special effect shooting method is to make full use of the characteristics of the twilight gold mirror back cover, playing a role similar to a physical filter.

Align the lens with the reflection of the back of the gold mirror, take a 180° rotation of the resulting photo to get a beautiful photo of Twilight.


The audience who watched the Nolan’s film <Inception> must remember the lens that flipped the whole city, Now Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition can also let you do it.

Attach the mirror back shell to the top of the lens, in this way, the real city and its reflection in the mirror back shell occupy the upper and lower half of the picture respectively. Shooting the picture that is about to be closed, it reproduces the effect of the city flipping in "Inception".

Dream City

We first sprayed water on the mirror back shell of the Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition, and then placed it parallel to the horizontal plane, and the shooting lens focused on the water droplets on the back shell. 

At the same time, the city’s night scenes with bright lights as the background, the reflection on the mirror back shell also produces a blurring effect, the whole photo gives the illusion of "dreamland" in a shackle.

Parallel Worlds

Modern quantum mechanics has discovered that there may be multiple parallel worlds, and the Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition can help you “achieve” this sci-fi effect.

The dream blue and the twilight gold are arranged side by side parallel to the horizontal plane. The real city and its reflection form the upper and lower "parallel worlds". Is there a sense of surrealism?


In addition to the beautiful visual effects of the Xiaomi 8 Youth Edition of the mirror-graded back cover, the features of the mirror-imaged principle are also very playable, there are more cool playable way waiting for you to dig.
